Verzeichnis der Inhaltsangaben

Block 03: England
> Henry Purcell 'Der Sturm' [The Tempest]
> Henry Purcell 'The Indian Queen'
> Thomas Arne 'Artaxerxes'
> Michael William Balfe 'Das böhmische Mädchen' [The Bohemian Girl]
> Ethel Smyth 'The Wreckers'
> Frederick Delius 'Koanga'
> Frederick Delius 'Fennimore and Gerda'
> Gustav Holst 'Savitri'
> Gustav Holst 'The Perfect Fool'
> Vaughan Williams 'Ritt am See' [Riders to the Sea]
> Rutland Boughton 'Alkestis'
> Rutland Boughton 'The Queen of Cornwall'
> William Walton 'The Bear'
> Lennox Berkeley 'Ruth'
> Michael Tippett 'König Priamos'
> Benjamin Britten 'Gloriana'
> Benjamin Britten 'Ein Sommernachtstraum'
> Benjamin Britten 'Tod in Venedig'
> Raffaelo de Banfield 'Ein Liebesbrief von Lord Byron' [Una lettera d'amore di Lord Byron]
> Peter Maxwell Davies 'Taverner'
> Peter Naxwell Davies 'Miss Donnithorne's Maggot' [Miss Donnithornes Grille]
> Richard Rodney Bennett 'The Mines of Sulphur' [Die Schwefelminen]
> Judith Weir 'Blond Eckbert'
> Peggy Glanville-Hicks 'Nausicaa'