musirony - OPER DER WELT - 4 |
WERKVERZEICHNIS - eine repräsentative Auswahl
- G64901 Blow, Venus_and_Adonis
- G65901 Purcell, Dido_and_Aeneas - (DVD)
- G65902 Purcell, Dioclesian
- G65903 Purcell, King_Arthur - (DVD)
- G65904 Purcell, The_Fairy_Queen - (DVD)
- G65905 Purcell, The_Tempest
- G65906 Purcell, The_Indian_Queen
- G66701 Pepusch, The_Beggar's_Ipera (DVD)
- G66801 Eccles, The_Jugment_of_Paris
- G66802 Eccles, Semele
- G68701 Galliard, Pan_and_Syrinx
- G71001 Arne, Alfred
- G71002 Arne, Artaxerxes
- G80801 Balfe, The_Bohemian_Girl
- G80802 Balfe, The_Maid_of_ Artois
- G81201 Wallace, Lurline
- G81202 Wallace, Maritana
- G81301 Macfarren, Tobin Hood
- G84201 Sullivan, The_Rose_of_Persia
- G84202 Sullivan, Ivanhoe
- G85801 Smyth, The Wreckers
- G85901 Herbert, Natoma
- G85902 Herbert, Eileen
- G86201 Delius, Koanga
- G86202 Delius, A_Village_Romeo_and_Julia - (DVD)
- G86203 Delius, Margot_la_Rouge
- G86204 Delius, Fennimore_and_Gerda
- G86205 German, Tom_Jones
- G87201 Vaughan Williams, Sir_John_in_Love
- G87202 Vaughan_ Williams, The_Poisoned_Kiss
- G87203 Vaughan_ Williams, Riders to the Sea
- G87204 Vaughan_ Williams, The_Pilgrims_Progress
- G87401 Holst, Savitri
- G84702 Holst, The_Perfect_Fool
- G87801 Boughton,The_Immortal_Hour
- G87802 Boughton, Alkestis
- G87803 Boughton, The Queen of Cormwall
- G89101 Bliss, The_Olimpians
- H90201 Walton, The_Bear
- H90202 Walton, Troilus_and_Cressida
- H90301 Berkeley, L. Ruth
- H90501 Alwyn, Miss_Julie
- H90502 Tippett, The_ Midsummer_ Marriage
- H90503 Tippett, King_Priam - (DVD)
- H90304 Tippett, The_ Knot_Garden
- H91201 Britten, Peter_Grimes - (DVD)
- H91202 Britten, The_Rape_of_Lucretia - (DVD)
- H91203 Britten, Albert _Herring - (DVD)
- H91204 Britten, Let_us_Make_an_Opera -(DVD)
- H91204 Britten, Noye's_Fludde
- H91205 Britten, Billy_Budd - (DVD)
- H91206 Britten, Gloriana - (DVD)
- H91207 Britten, The_Turn_of_the_Screw - (DVD)
- H91208 Britten, A_Midsummer_Night's_Dream
- H91209 Britten, Curlew_River
- H91210 Britten, The Burning Fiery Furnace
- H91211 Britten, The Prodigual Son
- H91212 Britten. Owen Wingrave - (DVD)
- H91213 Britten, Death_in_Venice - (DVD)
- H91215 Glanville-Hicks, Nausicaa
- H91216 Glanville-Hicks, The_Transported_Heads
- H92201 Banfield, La_lettera_d'Amore_of_Lord_Byron
- H92801 Musgrave, Mary,_Queen_of_the_Scotts
- H93201 Meale, Voss
- H93401 Birtwistle, Punch_and_Judy
- H93402 Birtwistle, The_Minotaur - (DVD)
- H93403 Davies, Taverner
- H93404 Davies, The Doctor_of_Myddfai
- H93405 Davies, Miss Donnithorne's Maggot
- H93406 Davies, Le_Jongleur_de_ Notre_Dame
- H93601 Bennett, The_Mines_of_Sulphur
- H93701 Crosse, Pugatory
- H94801 Berkeley, M., Baa_Baa_Blacksheep
- H94802 Berkeley, M., Jane_Eyre
- H95401 Weir, Blond Eckbert
- H95201 Knussen, Were_the_Wild_Things_are
- H95901 Dove, Siren_Song
- H95902 Dove, Flight
- H95903 James MacMillan, The Sacrifice
- H97101 Ades, The Tempest
Bereich 5: / US-Amerika
- I.86801 Joplin, Tremonisha
- I.88501 Taylor, Peter_Ibbetson
- I.89301 Moore, The_Ballad_of_Baby_Doe
- I.89302 Moore, The Devil_and_Daniel_Webster
- I.89601 Hanson, Merry_Mount
- I.89602 Thomson, The_Mother_of_Us_All
- I.89603 Thomson, Four_Saints_in_Three_Acts
- I.89604 Thomson, Lord_Byron
- I.89801 Gershwin, Porgy_and_Bess
- J90001 Antheil, George, The_Brothers
- J91001 Barber, Vanessa
- J91002 Barber, Antonius_and_Cleopatra
- J91101 Menotti, Amelia_Goes_to_the_Ball
- J91102 Menotti, The_ Old_Maid_and_the_Thief
- J91103 Menotti, The_Medium
- J91104 Menotti, The_Telephon
- J91105 Menotti, The_Consul
- J91106 Menotti, Amahl and the Night Visitors
- J91107 Menotti, The_Saint_of_Bleeker_Street
- J91108 Menotti, The_Death_of_the_Bishop_of_Brindisi
- J91109 Menotti. Help,_Help,_ The_Globolins - (DVD)
- J91110 Menotti, Goya
- J91701 Harrison, Rapunzel
- J91801 Bernstein, Candide - (DVD)
- J92201 Foss, Griffelkin
- J92202 Foss, Jumping_Frog
- J92301 Rorem, Miss_Julie
- J92401 Thomas, Gier unter Ulmen
- J92402 Blumenfeld, Seasons in Hell
- J92601 Floyd, Susannah
- J92801 Flagello, The Piper of Hamelin
- J92901 Previn, A_Streetcar_Named_Desire
- J92902 Previn, Brief_Encounter
- J93001 Maazel, 1984 (nach Georg Orwell)
- J93701 Glass, Einstein_ on_ the_Beach
- J93702 Glass, Santyagraha
- J93703 Glass, Ahknaten
- J93704 Glass, The_Fall_for_ the_House_Usher
- J93705 Glass, The_Voyage
- J93706 Glass, Waitung_for_ the_Barbarians
- J93707 Glass, The_ Juniper_Tree
- J93708 Glass, Keppler
- J93709 Glass, Galileo Galilei
- J94301 Monk, Atlas
- J94501 Pisatieri, Frau_Margot
- J94502 Schiff. Gimpel_The_Fool
- J94701 Adams, Nixon_ in_China
- J94702 Adams, The_Death_of_Klinkhoffer
- J94703 Adams, I_Was_Looking_in_ the_Ceiling_ ...
- J94704 Adams, El_Niño (DVD)
- J94705 Adams, A_Flowering_Tree
- J95101 Davis, Amistad
- J95102 Karchin, Romulus
- J95401 Picker, Therese_Raquin
- J95402 Aldridge, Robert Livingston, Elmer Gantry
- J95403 Goldenthal, Grendel
- J95701 Tan Dun, The First Emperor (DVD)
- J95702 Tan Dun, Marco_Polo (DVD)
- J96101 Heggie, Dead_Man_Walking
- J96201 Adamo, Little_Woman (DVD)
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